The Aryanization of Europe

Sabtu, 27 September 2008

gw baru banget dapet artikel, setelah gw baca isinya, parah bagus banget nih artikel, so langsung gw muat aja, kebetulan gw masuk ke situs resmi nazinya nih...hehe, tapi sorry banget nih kalo gw ga kasih ke bhs indonesianya, soalnya jika gw artiin lama banget...uheuhue, jadi gw langsung aja kasih versi aslinya bagus banget qo, gw yakin kalian semua ngerti...(sebernya masih banyak fakta menarik yang lainnya tp gw takut cm buat pajangan doang uheuhue...)

The Aryanization of Europe

The most central members of the Third Reich, including those of Hitler's High Command and those in his inner Circle had much more on their minds than German rule and Sovereignty. Much of what the Nazis believed and had as objectives was clandestine (kept secret) until the time they hoped they would take control of much of Europe. The National Socialists had a much greater goal than political domination of Europe. Their intent was to bring about a "utopian" rule of a Master Race: one which would have pure [according to their definitions] blood lines and return to elements of Nordic beliefs and culture and bring in a Third Millenial Reign or Reich. The Process of bringing about perfect blood lines, German/Nordic Culture and Religion, German rule and values in the culmination of a Master Race under a Master Plan is by definition "Aryanization".

Judenrein & Judenfrei

The most central concept in Aryanization to be understood is that of "Judenrein". The word comes from Juden referring to the Jews; and "reinreferring to purification. This term is often translated "Jew-free" or the removal of Jewish citizens from occupied territories and Germany. The root of the term rein goes a great deal farther, though. "Rein" refers to the removal of an impurity. 2"Judenfrei or Jew-free bears a slightly different connotation than Judenrein: to merely free Europe of all the Jewish citizens who lived there and helped build Europe was not enough for the Reich: they wanted the blood lines of Europe free of any trace of Jewish blood, or what we now understand as DNA. The Reich wanted no trace of their heritage left. Early laws in Germany before the war, vehemently forbade inter-marriage of Aryans and Jews. Even dating was discouraged, and sometimes public humiliation was directed by soldiers and police towards inter-racial couples. The Endlosung or "Final Solution" of the Jewish 'Problem" instigated by Hitler, Himmler, Eichmann and Heydrich primarily, was the plan of action meant to bring about not only the ridding of Jews from Europe but the ridding of Jewish blood from Europe. See also, Eugenics and Root Race TheoryThe hope of totally erasing Jewish bloodlines carried over into the killing centers, or Concentration Camps: Men and Women were separated; husbands and wives separated; and the effort to kill the Jewish children of Europe [over 1.5 million perished]was indicative of the Nazis medieval attempt to eradicate all Jewish heritage and commit Genocide in proportions which had never even been discussed. As many as 2/3 of the Jewish population of Europe was erased: many others fled the continent. A few Jewish children were left in communites and several thousand were hidden or given refuge. The Reich believed that when the blood lines of the "root race" of the Jews was totally annihilated, a higher level Aryan race would emerge; and a new age would be ushered in.

"A Child is orphaned if he has no parents, a people if it has no youth."
"Germanization" was the term coined to mean the enculturation of non-Germans into German living, society values and beliefs. Most often germanization was targeted towards certain Jewish or other non-German children who were left after deportations or determined before hand to be "suitable". Children deemed "suitable" for germanization were those with Aryan-like features, intelligent , attractive and with other appealing qualities. Other children were deported and often gassed, or became victims of mass shootings by the Einsatzgruppen. Some were placed in orphanages, although by the end of the war, most orphanages had been cleared out; and many German children were sent to orphanages in their stead to avoid bomb-plague metropolitan areas. Jewish children who qualified for "Germanization" were most often sent to live with selected German families and were given aryanized names. They were forbidden to worship as Jews, wear Jewish synagogue apparel such as prayer shawls, or even refer to their past; they were often baptised into the Catholic Church or German Christian Church [Lutheran] and were brought up completely as German children. Only a few groups, such as the Hugenots in France (See Le Chambon") allowed Jewish children their own worship choices.
Germanization also had a broader meaning: when Nazi troops moved in and occupied territories, a Germanization process also began: German values, belief, foods, entertainments, and culture were vigorously promoted. The Germans hoped to take over not only land, possessions and people, but their ways of life and 'germanize' the soul of occupied nations. There was a purpose and plan to the germanization of acquired land, which will be discussed under the topic "Lebensraum".

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